Published Works – Victoria Perkins

Reeves’ Island – When sixteen year-old Arisa McDonald and her friends sign up to chaperone a handful of junior and senior high students on a trip to prestigious Camp Ventner, they assume that a few unruly kids will be the worst of their problems. When their plane crashes on a deserted island, leaving them stranded without any way to communicate with the outside world, they think things can’t get any worse. They have no way of knowing that the crash was no accident and that, if they ever want to get home, they’ll have to face dangers far greater than the elements.

The Last Summer – It’s a beautiful night in Fort Prince, CO, when Jericho Mann and River Coleman discover the world is going to end. Chosen to be a part of the select few who will survive, Jericho and River will be tested in ways they’ve never imagined, forced to make choices no one should ever have to make, and given the chance to help decide how the future will be shaped.

Three, Two, One – Cassidy Chapman knows she isn’t dead. Unfortunately, no one else does. After the mysterious death of her younger sister, Cassidy’s own identity is called into question. As she digs deeper into the accident that claimed the life of her sister, Cassidy discovers a far darker secret than she’d ever thought possible. Helped by the only person who believes her, new WU student Pacey Townson, Cassidy must find a way to solve Jessica’s murder and clear her own name–before it’s too late.

My Immortal, ‘m Cara – Seventeen year-old Tex Novak isn’t looking forward to starting her senior year of high school. Then she meets new student Zev Avatos and it’s an instant connection for both. Before they can be together, however, each has secrets they need to share. Tex confesses her past and, in return, learns the truth about who Zev really is. Zev’s identity comes with new challenges that threaten to destroy the budding relationship and each must decide if their love is worth fighting for.

The Dragon Three – Brina Fine has never fit in anywhere. On the outside, she looks like everyone else, but she’s been hiding a secret that keeps her from letting anyone close. When she arrives at the Audeamus School of Higher Learning, she finds her secret in danger of being uncovered. Aidan Preston is no stranger to loss. When he meets new Audeamus students Brina and Thana, he thinks that, maybe, he can move beyond his past. A visit from a stranger, however, reveals that his past isn’t done with him yet. Thana Decker has never felt like she’s had a clear path into her future, but when she meets Brina, she feels as if she has found her calling at her new friend’s side. Content to be on the sidelines, she never dreams that her destiny is far greater than she’d ever imagined. Brina. Aidan. Thana. Three strangers brought together to fulfill a fortune forged at the beginning of time, and each one has a role to play. They are The Dragon Three.

Star Riders: The Twelve (book 1 of 6) – Tempest Black is nobody special. Orphaned as a baby, the only thing she has from her past is her unusual name. Now, at seventeen, she’s willing to give it up if it means she can disappear. What she doesn’t know is that, in the West, eleven have been sent to find her, and when they do, her whole world will change. They are the Star Riders, those chosen by Adonai to protect the worlds from the forces of darkness. All alone, they search for the one prophesied to be at their side at the end of days. A special child with unknown powers who will change everything.

Star Riders: Nevermore (book 2 of 6) – So, I have wings now. And, apparently, I’m the long-lost granddaughter of Shakespeare, the fulfillment of some supernatural prophecy. As if that’s not enough, I’m traveling to parallel worlds with eleven others, including one who’s supposed to be my soulmate. To think, last month, the only thing I had to worry about was running away so I didn’t get stuck in juvie again.
The last of their kind, The Twelve are firm in their resolve to continue their people’s God-mandated fight against the legions of hell. Under the untested leadership of Bram Grimm and his new bonded, Tempest Black, the Star Riders struggle to find direction and balance as they face an unknown future. Little do they know, this is only the beginning of something much larger than they ever could have imagined, where the stakes aren’t only the safety of all worlds, but a war for the very souls of humankind.

Star Riders: The Firelands (book 3 of 6) – A forbidden world referred to as The Firelands thanks to nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare. That sounds like exactly the sort of place Adonai should send a dozen homeless, winged, teenage soldiers. While none of this ever makes much sense, something tells me this new mission could destroy us.Tempest Black and her bonded, Bram Grimm, are still working through what their relationship means when a series of events threatens to tear them apart.Book three in the Star Riders series finds the Qaniss in more danger – both physical and spiritual – than ever.

Star Riders: Silenced  (book 4 of 6) – When Tempest Black found the Star Riders, she thought she finally had a place to belong. Now, the addition of Firelands survivor Maureen Wells has her questioning everything and everyone, including her bonded, Qaniss leader Bram Grimm.As the group continues their mission to find weapons made specifically for them to use in the battle against the powers of darkness, bonds are stretched to the breaking point, putting every world at risk.The Star Riders’ journey has passed the halfway point, and things will only get harder from here.

Star Riders: The Wakening (book 5 of 6) – Tempest Black hovers somewhere between life and death as her body fights off an unknown poison. The Star Riders, including Tempest’s bonded Bram Grimm, have been searching for answers and found none. No answers come from Adonai either, leaving them to wonder what will become of their mission if the prophesied one never wakes up. The penultimate book in the Star Riders series, get ready for the beginning of the end.

Star Riders: Remembrance (book 6 of 6) – It was time. All of their training, the years being the last of their kind, the losses they suffered, all of it had been for this, but as the culmination of Adonai’s plan for the Twelve approaches, a rift in the group threatens to break them apart. Will relationships be mended in time to stop the evil threatening every world? Or will the Twelve have sacrificed so much only to fall short when it matters? This is it. The final book in the Star Riders series. Remembrance

This Weak & Idle Theme – Aliens with wings. Mysterious deaths. Monsters and swords and heroes. Inspired by everything from nightmares to writing contests, each of the ten stories included in this collection offers something unique, whether it be horror, fantasy, science fiction or humor. Included are two short stories previously published in now-closed magazines, a short story that prompted the creation of a full-length novel, and a five-part series previously available only in separate e-book forms. Also included in this collection is the short story “So It Begins,” a companion piece to the novel,The Dragon Three

The Story of My Scars – A collection of various works, including short stories, poetry, and a stage play, with genres that range from horror to fantasy to religious. There’s a little something for everyone. Includes the short story follow-ups to a few of my novels.

A Collection of Plays Seven Christian plays originally written for youth, three are short with smaller casts and four are longer with larger casts. A mix of direct satire and original works, at the time of this release, two are being novelized by the author. Perkins allows for churches and schools to make copies and only asks for credit on any advertisements for performances.”The Prayer Club” – A shorter play with a smaller cast, it’s the story of a group of very different teenagers brought together in detention.”That Christmas Pageant” – A short comedy with a smaller cast, it tells the story of a group of friends trying to find the real meaning of Christmas while preparing for their church’s annual play.”Drew & Todd’s Christmas Adventure” – The humorous story of two clueless friends who are taken on a journey in time and place as they discover what Christmas really means. This play is shorter and has a smaller cast.”Tru Shepard” – A longer play with a large cast, it’s the story of a young woman chosen to fight the forces of evil, even as she struggles to find her place at her new school.”Into the Lyons’ Den” – A modernized retelling of the Biblical story of Daniel and his friends in Babylon, it’s the story of a group of youth struggle in their new environment and must decide where they stand. A longer play, it has a large cast. “The Road Home” – A mid-to-large size cast in a longer play, this is the story of a young man’s struggle with God’s command to love when his troubled cousins and aunt move into his house.”The Do-Over” – A two-act mid-to-long play with a mid-to-large cast, it follows a mixed group of people through an ordinary day that becomes something with eternal consequences.

All the Questions I’ve Been Asked: A Guide to Writing Life“I’m new to this. Do you have any advice?” For more than twenty years, YA author and freelance writer Victoria Perkins has been navigating the writing world, from teaching to publishing to conventions, and the number of times she’s been asked some form of this question has only grown. With so many books out there about how to write perfect plots or the secret formulas to sales, she decided to put together a more generalized book that answers many of the common questions she’s been asked, covering everything from the differences between plot-driven and character-driven writing to the legalities of AI-generated art, from common writing mistakes to suggestions about what to take to events. If you’ve ever had a writing question you wanted to ask someone who’s been there, this is the book for you.

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