For more than twenty years, Victoria Perkins has been writing professionally, releasing several YA novels of various genres, two short story collections, a collection of plays, a book on writing, and a family cookbook. She has also contributed to several charity anthologies. In 2024, she began writing closed-door romances under the pen name VC Perkins.
In addition to writing under her own name, she works as a ghostwriter, editor, proofreader, and more. In 2012, she began to work full-time as a freelance writer and has contributed to hundreds of short stories, novellas, and full-length novels for clients all over the world, including ones that have made Amazon’s top 100 Kindle list as well as USA Today’s Best-Seller list. After spending years using various freelance platforms, in 2024, she cut out the middleman and began selling various writing and editing packages directly to clients.
She currently makes her home in northeastern Ohio near her family. She can be found on numerous social media sites, including Facebook (as Victoria Perkins – Author), Goodreads and Amazon, where she regularly posts updates and interacts with fans. (Additional contact information available for potential clients via the “Writing & Editing Packages” page.)